I heard there's this flu that has been flying around.
So many young girls catch this flu due to unseen pressure especially when they are 23/24.....it's the pressure to get married. I know somehow who became distressed because of this flu. Once a girl finishes school, the next thing on her list is husband. See marriage is a really beautiful thing but if you're not careful, you will get trapped.
Society has made so many young girls feel breathless once they haven't introduced a man before the age of 25. Many are not bothered while some actually exist for the sole purpose of getting married. Let me tell you some of the reasons why girls may be so desperate to get married;
1. Financial security: honestly only a very lazy woman would want to get married for financial reasons. What happened to making your own money? No matter how little. Having your own money secures a special kind of respect from people around you.
2.Accommodation : Yes, I said it. There are lots of females who do this. Either to stop paying rent or to move out of her family's home.
3. 'Fuel' for her 'Generator' : The truth is many believe it is until they find a man and get married , guaranteed success would be kick started. Which is actually funny and has a 20/80 chance of working out.
Just to mention a few.
As a growing woman, your aim should be making your self better, digging ideas, rebranding until you find the perfect brand. Going as a liability to a man would automatically make you a burden.
We were made to support men and not become a burden to them. So wise up and don't get pressured into marriage or think you're getting old and needs to get married as soon as possible. Take charge of your own life!
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