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Showing posts from June, 2024


 Whew! What an unintended break… We live in an unkind world, filled with wickedness and hypocrisy. But as the higher animal it is mandatory to adapt and survive.  Zero value on the things that matter. As age matures the important things of life fades away. The little things that used to matter like good music, spending time with loved ones, showing genuine care etc are now seen as a waste of time. The 'woke' people of this generation lives, dresses and talks anyhow. No one cares.  It is important to protect the basic values we can give and earn as a human, in the end simplicity always wins.  Time has obviously evolved. The last time I picked up my pen to write, I didn't know my brothers and sisters were going to die at the hands of our dear government in 2020. Things has changed and a lot is happening at the same time. Small businesses has taken over social media which is good in a way. Life is happening all so fast. Speaking about social media, the unending drags ha...